This is My Story, This is My Song

I was born and raised in the church. My family, immediate and distant, are Christians. We went to church every Sunday (morning and night) and Wednesday. We went to church constantly, so there were times when I did not want to go to church at all when I was a kid. Not really sure why. I went to VBS pretty much every year. One year I think I “accepted Christ as my Savior” but only because we got quarters for doing that. That is pretty messed up if you ask me. I don’t count that as my birthday anyway…

September 11, 2001. I was in second grade, sitting in class and my teacher turned on the television. We saw that foreigners had flown a plane into the Twin Towers. We were under attack. I remember watching that moment so many times, at school and at home. I saw the devastation and agony that these workers went through. I saw the fire and smoke, burning human flesh. Watching this horrendous moment made me realize that something could happen and my life could end any moment, and I did not want to burn like the people on TV. So, the next day, as my dad was tucking me in bed, I asked him to help me “get saved”. That night I asked Jesus into my heart. The next morning I was so excited and told my teachers when I got to school. It was the greatest decision I have ever made.

September 12, 2001. My Re-Birthday.

After I accepted Jesus into my life I enjoyed going to church and once I was old enough, became very involved with my youth group. I attended many youth group events, and went to many retreats, camps and mission trips. Throughout my years at camp and retreats, I drew closer to God and learned more about Him. In the summer of 2012 I went on a mission trip to an impoverished community in El Salvador. On this mission trip I learned to live in the moment (to not worry about the future), to be content with what I have and that God’s love is a universal language. Lately God has been teaching me to not worry, He’s in control and that He lavishes love upon me no matter what I do. I continue to draw near to Him each and every day.

So, yeah, that’s my story. Or more like His story through me.


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