Placemat Pillow DIY


So I found a bunch of unused placemats in my closet that I had originally saved for placemat purses, and I realized how out of style that was for me so I decided to do some Pinterest searching for things to do with placemats. I came across making pillows out of placemats. So I decided to try it and found out it was really easy, only takes 4 materials and took about 15 to 30 minutes max. Materials needed:

  • Placemat
  • Stuffing
  • Sewing Machine
  • Scissors


  1. Open one end of your placemat. (You can use a seam ripper or scissors for this.)
  2. Put the stuffing inside the placemat. I actually tore apart an old pillow that was getting nasty and used the inside. DSC02918  DSC02920
  3. Then you just sew back the open end. DSC02922
  4. And then… voila! The finished product. I still haven’t figured out where I am going to put mine, so I do not have a picture of it on a bed or couch. DSC02923

If you have any questions, just ask! Feel free to share, even on Pinterest!