Tired of Hipster Christianity

It’s funny how things come and go in the different eras of our world. Movements happen, fads change, and our culture transforms.

Today, our culture has overly welcomed hipster Christianity. Millennials dressed in over-sized clothes, taking pictures on railroad tracks, eating at “hip” places downtown, and going to a church full of college-aged students who all look alike. Hipster churches are full of pastors trying to say what “the kids say these days” and worship turns more into a performance than heart felt. [Not all churches are like this, but I have experienced many that are].

I  am tired of Hipster Christianity.

Yes, I am a millennial.

Yes, I am a Christian.

Yes, I went to Liberty University (where I feel a lot of this has streamed from).

Yes, I enjoy eating at “hip” places.

But that does not entitle me to being fond of Hipster Christianity.

You see, heres the reason why I have a problem with hipster Christianity: it is pulling God out of the picture.

Maybe this is just me who sees this, and you might be getting mad at me for saying that, but let me explain.

Hipster Christianity- to me– is all about the appearance. People dress a certain way to make sure they look good all the time- everywhere they go, and then take pictures and attach Bible verses to their posts. As I previously mentioned, the worship team makes the music sound just right to make you feel God in the moment. Don’t get me wrong, you might be experiencing Him in that moment, but I have experienced the opposite. The worship team is putting on a show to make you think that they are so in tune with the Lord, but really they have memorized the “ooohhhs” and hand movements that it is all going through the motions and not stopping to praise the Lord. Now, I know there are some genuine leaders of worship out there and they really are feeling the Lord in that moment, so I am not saying this is for all worship leaders.

The truth is: Hipster Christianity makes me feel uncomfortable.

Hipster Christianity makes me feel like I am not good enough. I don’t dress well. I’m not pretty enough. I don’t worship my Lord like everyone else. I don’t live a great life because I am not going all over the world. Lies. All lies fed to me from Satan through Hipster Christianity.

You see, Hipster Christianity is hurting me. And if it is hurting me, a Christian of 15 years, then it has to be hurting the nonbelievers as well.

This needs to stop.

Christian Hipsters- will you join me in truly pursuing the Lord and being a part of the church in a lost world? Will you rise up and look like the church? Will you welcome others with open arms?

I am not saying that you cannot have church the way you want it, but lets embrace one another no matter what we look like- whether goth, country, or just your average Joe. Lets let God be the one Who moves the church with His Spirit. Lets be the church and love others no matter what. Lets focus on the truth of the Gospel and not on our appearance or social media accounts. Lets be His church- His beloved- His bride.

Disclaimer: I do not hate the hipster churches or those who attend, I am just bringing to attention the problem that these churches have caused me to stumble with. If God is moving in these churches, that is outstanding! I just have struggled as a weaker sister due to these churches.

When God is in the Classroom

I’ve heard it said in various ways, “They have taken God out of the classroom.” I’ve even been asked, “How can you work in a public school when you can’t share your faith with the kids?” I’ve watched teachers walk away from public education with great frustration because of politics, evaluation systems, state standards, pay, and lack of support.

If I am being honest, there are days in which I ask, “Why am I still here?”

Yet, every time I ask myself that question, I hear a soft whisper in my soul… “Because I am here.”

God is in your classroom.

From the depths of my soul, I believe that God has never, can never, and will never be removed from the classroom–even a public school classroom.  One, He is bigger than that. Besides the fact that He is omnipresent , He is the “indwelling spirit” that fills you…

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