Something Worth Sharing

“My testimony is not good enough. I haven’t done anything crazy.”

I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that have either said or thought this. I know I have, multiple times.

Growing up in a Christian family and going to church every Sunday made it easy for me to become a Christian. I was a kid when I accepted Jesus into my life, so my life before Him was not some big bad story. And since my life seemed about the same after salvation as it did beforehand, I thought I did not have a testimony or a story worth sharing. I have not tasted alcohol. Never tried any type of drug (unless you count the medicine that the oral surgeon gave me when I got my wisdom teeth taken out which made me real loopy). I have never had sex or done anything with a guy. I haven’t even had a boyfriend for that matter. I have never snuck out or done anything rebellious. I grew up listening to mostly Christian music. The only rated R movies I have seen are The Passion of the Christ, Slumdog Millionaire, Bridesmaids and The Silver Linings Playbook. I guess you could say I don’t live life on the edge. Some may call me a goody two-shoes.

I don’t tell you this to brag. Because to be honest, I used to hate that this was it. I felt like my story was not worth sharing because I haven’t done anything crazy. But this is a part of my story and who I am. Yes, I’m glad that I haven’t done any of these sinful things, but I have done plenty of other sinful things. All sin is equal, so why do these seem to weigh heavier than others?

Since my testimony was nothing huge, I used to think that my life didn’t matter. No, I was not contemplating suicide. I was just wondering why God had me here on Earth when I haven’t touched anyone’s life. But, you see, I have touched lives, I just haven’t noticed it until recently.

My friend recently told me that the thing she remembers and loves most about me is that in middle school I would always try to include her in everything. I didn’t want to leave anyone out. Now, I don’t remember any of this, but she does and I almost cried when she told me this because that was when I realized that I am making a difference on this planet.

After this instance I began to reflect on my life and realized that God is using me and I am blind to what He is doing around me. For instance, a friend from home wanted me to room with her in college freshman year and I didn’t feel right about it so I simply told her no. Little did I know that the “No” to my friend would turn into a “Yes” to Jesus. What am I talking about? Well, you see, since I told my friend no, I was able to room with different girls, and one of them was not saved. Throughout the year she saw something different in me and my friend who asked me to room with her. And then one night my roommate wanted to ask Jesus into her life, so my friend from home lead her to Christ. Although I am not the one to lead my roommate to Christ, my decisions lead to this decision in her life. Obedience leads to obedience.

This is just a sample into my life and what God has done in me. I am sure that He has used me in many ways that I may never know about til I get to Heaven.

This reminds me of a lesson I learned from reading in Esther not too long ago. Esther is important in our history. If it weren’t for her, the Jews would have been destroyed & Jesus would’ve never come. After reading the whole book of Esther I came to this conclusion: Even when God seems to be hidden in the midst of your circumstances, He is at work and is using your story.

God is using you, and you may never know that He is doing so until you get to Heaven.

So if you’re feeling as though your testimony is not good enough, then maybe you should ask God to humble you and reflect on your life and all that God has done. Maybe you will see something worth sharing as well.

In the words of Francis Chan, “You too can live a life worth writing about” (Crazy Love).