Melted Crayon Canvas Art: Life is Beautiful

If you’re like me, you get on Pinterest and pin all of these cool do-it-yourself projects and then never actually try them out. Well, I finally did one and added my own little twist to it. And it was so easy!

I’m sure you’ve seen the melted crayon art where you glue crayons to the top of the canvas and then blow dry them so they melt down the canvas. This is not what I did.


  • Canvas
  • Crayons
  • Hair Dryer
  • Newspaper
  • Stickers/Stencils (optional)

Lay the newspaper out and put the canvas on it. The crayons will splatter and get all over the surface.

First: I tried melting a crayon that I knew I wasn’t going to use on a paper plate so I could see how it would look and get a feel for how I should do this. I suggest you do the same. ATTENTION: If you are melting crayons with my method, take the wrappers off the crayons before you begin.


Next, I put stickers on the canvas to spell out “Life is Beautiful.” (Sorry, no picture).

Then I started melting crayons with my hair dryer. I angled my hair dryer so that the splatter would look cooler. Oh, and I held the crayon towards the top of the canvas in the corner for the first color and then gradually moved down diagonally with each new color to cover the canvas.


First color… purple.


Then blue…


Then green and yellow…


Then orange and red…


After touching up a little, I waited a day for the crayons to dry (it doesn’t take that long but I was busy), and then peeled off the stickers. Here is the final product:


Life is Beautiful.

If you have any questions, comment below!