5 Things I Learned About God From Working At A Daycare


If you’ve worked at a daycare before, you know that it takes about every ounce of sanity you have. You walk into the job with a big smile saying “aww, those kids are so cute.” And then you walk out thinking “looks can be deceiving.” Now, I’m not bashing the daycare job, because I still work at a daycare and enjoy it despite the troubles it brings. In fact, working in the daycare has taught me a lot: about God, about myself, and, of course, about children.

What I’ve I learned so far:

  1. God really does love us no matter what. And I know this for sure because I experience this. My kids at work keep me on my feet. “Timeout” and “no” are regulars in my vocabulary. The gray hairs peeking out from my dark brown/black hair are partially from my job. These kids really do give me a run for my money. There are times I just want to whip these kids into shape (not really, plus, I’m not allowed to spank my kids). My kids climb all over the bookshelves, hit each other, bite each other, run out the door and into the parking lot, etc. They do all of this, but at the end of the day, I still love them. It’s weird. I love my kids at work, and will miss them when I leave to go back to school. (Because it happened last summer to me). Every day I walk in and the kids (I am currently in the 18-24 months class) have a bright smile on their face and say my name. I love being welcomed by them. It does my heart good. No matter what they do, at the end of the day, I love them still. Just like when we continue to sin every day, God still loves us. He loves us unconditionally. And I am so grateful for that.
  2. Jesus is joyful when we speak His name. Every day when I walk into the daycare lunch room after clocking in, some kid yells “Brianna!” and runs up to hug me. And then I walk into my classroom and my kids flash me a bright smile and sometimes say my name, “Brin-na!” and this is part of what keeps me going, because it is so cute and I love hearing my name come out of their mouths. Jesus is like this too: He loves to hear His children say His name, “Jesus.” Even if it is a whisper, or a shout, He loves hearing us call out to Him. It puts a smile on His face.
  3. God disciplines us for our good. As stated earlier, the word “timeout” is quite common in my vocabulary. This is only because I work at a daycare and my kids do not listen. When my children disobey, I put them in timeout. God does this to us too. When we disobey Him, we suffer the consequences of not being near to Him. But when we ask for forgiveness, He forgives and forgets because of the gift of salvation. God disciplines us to show us right and wrong according to His standards. Kind of like I discipline my kids so they know what is right and wrong.
  4. God kisses our boo-boos, performs first aid, and wipes our face. It is pretty obvious that I have to deal with boo-boos with almost 2 year olds. Just a simple kiss makes them feel better apparently. God kisses us when we are having trials and tribulations, rough days and stress. He kisses us to let us know that He is with us and in control. He performs first aid on us when we need His healing hand upon us. He is the ultimate healer. Like when I wipe my kids’ faces and hands free of boogers and dirt, He cleanses us from the dirt and sin in our life.
  5. We must depend on God. I work with kids who aren’t even two, so needless to say, they depend on me A LOT. They need me to change their diapers, give them food, clean their scratches, put on their shoes, etc. I could go on about how my kids need me every day. We need God every day as well. We must depend on Him to provide. I think of the people in third world countries who do not know what or when their next meal will be. Some of them out their trust and hope in Jesus and believe He will provide what they need. Why are we so hesitant to do the same? Yeah, we have the money for dinner so no worries there, but what about the other areas in our lives? I know a big thing in my life right now is college tuition. College aint cheap, especially if its private. I have to trust that God will send us the money at the right time. I know that this is where He wants me, and if He wants me here, then He will find a way for me to stay here. What about you? Do you trust that God will provide for you? That He will somehow give you the money for that big bill, or that He will sell your house when the time is right or that He will get you that job that He wants you to have. We must depend on Him. He is our provider and He will, and is, taking care of us.


When I took this job as a daycare teacher, I did not expect to see God at work in me. But working here has revealed to me the greatness of our God and how He takes care of me. I am so thankful for these revelations and for having a relationship with my Savior and King.

One Direction

By looking at the title, you probably think “Oh, this post is about One Direction.” And if you’re a teenage girl, you’re probably screaming inside due to obsession, but if you’re a male, you’re about to exit this page. Please don’t. Sorry, but this post has nothing to do with One Direction. I just couldn’t think of a title at the moment and all that has been on the internet lately is this British boy band. Plus, I figured it would grab your attention, I hope I didn’t repulse you by the title. If I did, I’m sorry.

Now that I have your attention…

Dependence. In an independent country, it is sometimes hard to put this word into action. People are becoming careless, rebellious and more independent. Even kids are becoming less dependent these days. Do we even know what the word means?

According to Dictionary.com, dependence is “the state of relying on or needing someone or something; an object of reliance or trust.”

Allow me to reinstate the definition for fear of you missing it:

Dependence is relying on someone, trusting them, needing them.

You might be thinking “You can’t trust anyone today. Everyone ends up lying or doing wrong.” Or you could have a positive look at it but not sure who you can really depend on.

The answer is God. You can depend on Him.

Yeah, I know, it sounds cheesy, and cliché. But its 100% true.

Now when you have true dependence on God, you let Him take control of the steering wheel and following His will. So by now you should be quoting/singing Carrie Underwood:

“Jesus take the wheeeeel, take it from my hands! Cause I cant do this on my own. I’m letting go!”

Let go, and let God.

True dependence is not simply asking [God] to bless what you have decided to do. It is coming to [God] with an open mind and heart, inviting [God] to plant [His] desires within you. [God] may infuse within you a dream that seems far beyond your reach. You know that in yourself you cannot achieve such a goal. Thus begins your journey of profound reliance on [God]. It is a faith-walk, taken one step at a time, leaning on [Him] as much as you need.”-Sarah Young, Jesus Calling devotional book

If you truly depend on the Creator of the universe, you can achieve the goal that He has set for you.

Who wouldn’t want to trust the One Who holds this planet and universe in His hands, and Who created every thing from atoms and molecules to human beings and animals?

“We live by faith, not by sight.”- 2 Corinthians 5:7

When you’re depending on God, there’s only one direction: the path to achieve the goal. When you depend on Christ, you’ve got that one thing and that’s what makes you beautiful.